With the purpose of improving, deepening and improving, qualitatively and continuously and completely, the training, training and technical-scientific development of professionals in the field of oculomotricity, in 2019 CAIS – COMMUNIDADE ALUMNI DO INSTITUTO STRABOS was created.


Supported by three pillars – TEACHING, SOCIAL ACTION and RESEARCH in strabismus, seeking to expand its borders beyond its physical headquarters and local actions in the city of São Paulo (SP). Proof of this is the consolidation of its online platform of the Strabismus Training Course (CFE), Strabos Institute Study Group (GEIS) and Symposium (SIA), which in recent years have had the participation of fellows, residents and ophthalmologists. , from the most diverse regions, bringing together all of Brazil.

The Strabos Institute’s Annual Symposium now has international relevance, having brought, in recent years, foreign guests with a renowned curriculum, all specialists in pediatric ophthalmology or strabismus.

Today, Instituto Strabos provides free eye care and surgery efforts for patients in social/economic vulnerability, with efficient, non-profit financial management. Its social relevance has had positive repercussions and allowed it to compete on equal terms with several NGOs, gaining the attention of important sponsors and, also, several awards for initiatives in the third sector.

The Strabos Institute Study Group (GEIS) has encouraged continuing education through monthly meetings, when articles in the literature, grouped by themes, are commented in line with their practical application.

The Strabos Institute has written a beautiful story that counts with each of us as protagonists. Participation in this process makes new achievements possible and consolidates what has been achieved so far. Our vision is to be a community, an aggregating body. For each of you who have known the Institute once, through one of your work fronts, we want you to continue to be linked through your ALUMNI COMMUNITY (CAIS).

Affiliation as a member of CAIS is possible through the payment of annuity (up to 3 installments) and is valid from January to December. The resource is directed to teaching activities and social action. Being a member of CAIS offers several benefits, such as the discount on the registration of the CFE (50% in the annual course), GEIS (50% in each semester) and the Annual Symposium (30%) and other future projects. Scientific exchange takes place through the monthly publication of articles made available in full and clinical cases commented on, all of which are published exclusively for members of CAIS.

You, who are a former student of CFE or have participated in the Symposia, GEIS or Webinars, join CAIS, keep your knowledge up to date and invest in the growth of the Institute!

Discount for fellows and residents (valid until 01/31/2022).

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